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(199/212) 516 - File System Browser: designation of path field

There is a bar to enter path and another for filename. This is redundant and confusing. Further when I enter a fully qualified filename eg. E:\mindprod\jgloss\run.html when I am in default directory E:\env it gets confused and tries to compose a file name of the form E:\env\E:\mindprod\jgloss\run.html which fails.

Submitted roedy - 2016-05-16 11:00:09.191000 Assigned ezust
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group none
Resolution None


2016-05-16 12:39:44.748000

- **summary**: path vs filename --> File System Browser: designation of path field

2016-05-16 12:39:44.965000

I guess You're talking about the "File Browser - Open" dialog. If so:

1. The "Path" and the "File name" fields are not redundent. But indeed it may be confusing, because the "Path" field doesn't mean a path to a file but to a directory.

=> Perhabs the "path" field should be renamed to "directory" ?

2. Regarding Your problem with file name composing:
This isn't a feature request, so please open a new Bug report. Also, I cannot reproduce this at all. So, please double-check and provide detailed information about Your system and steps to reproduce as there are:
a) versions of jEdit, Java and OS
b) current setting of "Global Options -> File System Browser -> General -> Default path"
c) What do You mean by "I am in default directory"

2017-10-12 03:06:51.938000

Can not reproduce described behaviour too.

What happens is that the last part of the path is shown in the directory tree as a node while having icon of a file and emty file list with no errors.

Should the Path label be renamed to Directory and appropriate checks implemented?

2017-10-12 08:31:01.802000

- **assigned_to**: Alan Ezust

2017-10-12 08:32:12.903000

I think "Default Path" is "Initial Directory for Dialog Browsers" but that is too wordy. Default Directory might be better.

2017-10-12 08:44:06.364000

I think this is a bug actually. jEdit should open the thing as a file in a Buffer if a filename is given in the Path: field of the FSB. Esp. in in the case where it is a dockable. Not sure about Dialog though. Perhaps the behavior should be different then. But renaming Path: to Directory makes sense too.

2017-10-13 04:50:44.797000

Now it behaves like a dir path otherwise it would show the file name part at the end. Which would also be useless because we can have a bunch of files open...which one should it indicate then? The field is obviously intended for path to dir, while opening a file itself (if a filename given) can be a feature (opens a file and cuts off its name in the field).

I think this ticket should be split into one bug and one feature request (optional).